Sunday, October 22, 2006

The BBC has an editorial policy unit that sometimes indulges in social engineering.See substitution of the phrase 'lone parent' for the phrase (then) in actual common everyday use 'single parent'.I read in Frederic Forsythe's Express column (but it's not essential to the case) that the Wilson report had aknowledged there was an influx of leftward leaning journalists into the BBC in the build up to the 1997 election.I first heard the use of 'Tory' to describe the Conservative Party in a BBC radio news report in (mid)1996.This then migrated to television news reports with (to my recollection)increasing frequency approaching the '97 election.We had Labour and New (improved) Labour.We had Conservative and Tory.The Labour terms are mutually reinforcing in brand terms.The Conservative terms are not.You could claim that Tory had become a term of abuse to a small proportion of the population by that time.I've seen many news reports since that time onwards when Conservative and Tory were used interchangeably and in the same report.No commercial organisation would permit such de-branding.If media was impartial they wouldn't either.You can use (and in my opinion it was/is so used) 'Labour' when reporting stories emphasising 'traditional socialist values'.You can use 'New Labour' when reporting on the party's 'vision for the future'.Using both in the same report is fine as they mutually reinforce.You can use Conservative to suggest 'stuck in the mud'or Tory to conjure up 'snobs and the rich'.'Aunty Beeb' is a tremendous anchor for the country as a whole.Where the establishment meets the people.If you can put your foot in that door you're in the driving seat.Politics has to form and grow in an organic way or all of us are poorly served.Remember when the Conservatives accused Blair of lying about Iraq before the last election.The media were up in arms.You can't say that without absolute proof.The trouble is these things are done by word of mouth.There won't be any memos/emails etc.So,the BBC has de-branded the Conservative party.Also by its purported impartiality it protects the government by disallowing mocking of the absurdity of its (to me) fabricated evidence that took us into war.Because of the BBC being a television company,it brings us the 'news' first.It sets the tone for the next day newspapers.IMO this whole thing was a Labour plan in conjunction with sympathetic leftward leaning journalists already in the BBC(or joining in that pre '97 election buildup).In my opinion Labour have to be removed from power as Human Nature dictates that rather than rowing back from their wrong doings.Having got away with it (and believing the end justifies the means) they'll see how much further they can push it next time.Who was in charge of the editorial policy unit pre 1997 election?Probably not rampant BNP supporters?On one hand the BBC has De-Branded the Conservative party on the other its laughable pretence of impartiality prevents criticism of,in my opinion,Government lies and fabrications in regards to the Iraq War,for example


Blogger Serf said...

When I was at University (late 80s, early 90s) Tory was indeed a term of abuse.

11:02 PM  

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